"A Chemist’s Comedy" is a time and content flexible experimental comedy show that is unique in this form.
At the appearance of chemist Dr. Andreas Korn-Müller the disco lights dance, it smokes, it pops and shines and magical balloons grow in his hand. As “Magic Andy” he combines experiments with comedy in his science show, demonstrates chemical relationships and is enthusiastic about chemistry.
Born in the Rhineland and by choice Dresdner, he demonstrates lightning-fast color reactions, he explodes water and let blood glowing. Viewers spit fire.
show offer 1
short program with following highlights
among others: balloon fire, 2 explosive iron spheres, pocket lighter with hydrogen & platinum, luminous washing powder, luminous blood, dust explosion, magic bar (magic beer & Coke within seconds), fire breathing
30-45 min.
target audience
The general public, scientists, conference participants, students, schoolchildren, families with children from 8 years
show offer 2
complete program with all highlights
among others: balloon explosion via pyro cord, 2 explosive iron spheres, resonance bell with fountain effect, pocket lighter with hydrogen & platinum, luminous washing powder, luminous blood, dust explosion, fire breathing for 3 children, magic balloons, magic bar (magic beer & Coke within seconds), fire breathing, XXL foam fountain, explosive evaporation – XXL cloud, ref fire, extreme bang and maximum fun factor
60-max. 90 min.
target audience
The general public, scientists, conference participants, students, schoolchildren, families with children from 8 years
In the singing bowl, the water is set in motion by simple vibration and mutates into an amazing fountain. The “Magic Bar” is colorful & curious. Regarding the final bang it is better to cover your ears. By combining entertainment and spectacular experiments, “insiders” as well as non-chemists are enthusiastic about science, especially chemistry. Always accompanied by spectacular light effects, groovy music, pantomime and slapstick, pyrotechnics and a lot of movement by the comedy chemist.